
The PLCA puts out a newsletter every season.

Papineau Lake Newsletter 

Spring 2024


(Interim) President’s Message

–submitted by Fiona McPherson

There’s a saying, “A drunk mind speaks a sober heart”. Not always,…but,…maybe in this case, it’s true. Maybe that’s how I ended up volunteering for the PLCA’s “interim” President position. Maybe I had one too many of Mike’s Marvellous Margaritas with friends, on the deck, on a warm August afternoon, when I offered to take it on. It was an innocent enough conversation with the gang recounting recent lake news. Then I heard that no one had taken on the position after Ethan Carroll stepped aside at the 2023 Annual General Meeting. 

“I’ve been thinking about joining the PLCA Board as a director for a few years.” I said. 

And that was that! 

Harold talked to Steve. Steve talked to Lindsey. Then Lindsey talked to me. And here I am…writing the President’s Message.

It took a few months for things to coalesce, but between January and April the board met by Zoom several times to fine tune the summer schedule, publish this newsletter, and take care of key association business, starting with finding answers to questions the membership raised at the 2023 AGM. You’ll find some of those answers in this newsletter! Please, read on!

Many Hands Make Light Work

                                                                      –submitted by Fiona McPherson, President/I

Interested in helping with a Papineau Lake activity or event?

Considering your skills, interests, experience and your love of this lake—maybe it’s time! Think about it!

You can:

  • Make a tangible, positive addition to an event or activity
  • Put your knowledge, skills, experience and talents to good use
  • Meet others in our lake community
  • Help others or lend a hand

Papineau Lake Community Association’s (PLCA) safety, environmental, and social activities are 100% led and supported by a bevy of volunteers. From marshalling a regatta race to setting orange hazard buoys in spring, it’s all up to us, the Papineau Lake community volunteers, to keep it going. 

This year, we are looking for:

  • End of Summer Corn Roast Organizer

Confirms date/time/venue, purchases supplies (we have the inside scoop for corn); starts the water boiling, & presses helpers into husking the cobs. Please, contact Fiona if you’d like to help with this delicious event!

  • Regatta Volunteers 

Event Marshalls–A Raffle Organizer–Master of Ceremonies–Kids’
Games Facilitators–Facepainters–and Other Various Helpers 

Lindsey will send out an email signup form for anyone who can commit a little time to Papineau Lake’s largest and most successful annual event.

As always, it’s the Saturday of the August long weekend. This year, that’s August 3rd!

  • Seven (7!) Area Representatives–Our “Lake Ambassadors”

These PLCA members talk with their neighbours updating them on PLCA activities, sharing information about renewals and new memberships, providing details of lake events, and communicating concerns back to the board. For more information about this vital lifeline for the Papineau Lake Community, read the article Do You Think You Could Be A Lake Ambassador? 

  • Safety Buoy Volunteers

These Papineau Lake inhabitants place the big orange safety buoys on shoals and rocks just under the water’s surface where you might damage your propeller or run your canoe aground. Read the article, Buoy Oh Buoy in this newsletter to find out more about it.

The PLCA Board of Directors Has Vacancies to Fill

–submitted by Fiona McPherson, President/I

Volunteers give their time and share knowledge as part of the PLCA Board of Directors. They provide leadership and guide the strategic direction of the association on behalf of the members. This team, pulled from the membership, takes on a myriad of responsibilities from representing and communicating the Lake’s interests to various levels of government, to the renewal of the PLCA membership roll.

These elected–sometimes acclaimed–positions will be put forward at the July 13, 2024 Annual General Meeting: 


Responsibilities include, but not limited to: organize and chair the Annual General Meeting (July) and Board of Directors’ Meetings; newsletter input; signs for major lake functions; attend municipal council meetings as appropriate; liaise with other lake associations.

Vice President

Responsibilities include, but not limited to: maintain PLCA website; publish and provide input to semi-annual newsletter; attend municipal council meetings as appropriate; liaise with other lake associations.


Responsibilities include, but not limited to: Minutes for AGM and board meetings; attend municipal council meetings, if needed.

Contact Fiona  to put your name forward for any of these positions.


Have Your Say! 

Hastings Highlands Fire Department Station Structure Review

Your Comments Due by June 17, 2024

A Special Meeting of the Hastings Highlands Council, was held the evening of May 30, 2024. It was a public information night that included a video screening of the Fire Department’s April 17 presentation to HH council addressing two options for reorganizing the existing fire services. The intent of the review, and the options being proposed, is to balance the current needs for Fire Services with the funding base available.

The municipality is seeking your feedback on the two options being proposed. 

Two primary options are explored in the HHFD Station Structure Review:

Option #1:

Maintain status quo, being the existing Fire Service delivery model of 6 stations brought up to National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standards for staffing, training, apparatus, equipment and facilities over a 10-year period. Replacing 3 stations, as well as renovating 3 stations.

Option #2:

Restructure existing Fire Service delivery model reducing to 3 stations, relocating 2 stations, brought up to National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standards for staffing, training, apparatus, equipment and facilities over a 10-year period.

Options for reorganization include:

  • Reduction in physical fire stations
  • Relocation of existing fire stations
  • Staffing alignment to number of stations
  • Human resources alignment
  • Reduction in apparatus & equipment
  • Reduction in required Officers


Watch the YouTube video presentation here: HHFD Station Structure Review Presentation to Council – April 17, 2024

Comments: Due by June 17, 2024

Provide your feedback online here: Survey–HH Fire Station Review

Provide your feedback with this mail-in form: Have Your Say Hastings Highlands!
HH Fire Department Station Structure Review

For more information link to: Hastings Highlands Fire Department Station Structure Review


New Pavement for Centreview Road

Great news! Centreview Road was repaved from Hoare Lake to Papineau Lake Road. We now have smooth blacktop, wide ditches, and better sightlines. The work for the rest of Centreview Road–from Hoare Lake east to Hwy. 62—is deferred to 2029-2034. Find out more about local road repairs by linking to the 2024-28 MUNICIPALITY OF HASTINGS HIGHLANDS 5-YEAR CAPITAL ROADS PLAN (Updated 2023).

 Financial Update

–submitted by Jonathan Potter, Treasurer

The PLCA continues to remain in a healthy financial position. In 2023 we maintained a small surplus due to the successful sale of Papineau Lake themed clothing at the regatta and thanks to all of you who support the PLCA through payment of annual dues. The GIC continues to be invested at an interest rate of 4.65% until its maturity. From this success the PLCA is poised to have another successful summer. Want more details? Come to the AGM on July 13!

Charitable Donations 

In 2024, the PLCA continues to make an impact locally by providing direct financial support to our community’s organizations. As in the past, the PLCA donated to the Maynooth & Area Food Bank and the Hastings Highlands Public Library. For the first time, we also put funds towards the Bancroft Area Stewardship Council’s (BASC) Wonders of Wetlands program. This program is designed for local school children, primarily grades 3 and 4, to learn the value and importance of wetlands in contributing to a healthy environment and ecosystem. Additional information about the great work done by the BASC can be found on their website at .

The PLCA donated $750.00 each to the Food Bank and the HH Library, and $500.00 to the BASC Wonders of Wetlands program. 



As part of our mission, the PLCA is dedicated to encouraging an active social atmosphere on Papineau Lake. Now is the time to mark your calendars for this summer’s events. We are always in need of volunteers to help organize and run these events (see article above for a list). Please reach out to one of the PLCA executives if you would like to help.  

Event Date  Time Location Lead
Annual General Meeting (AGM) Saturday, July 13 1:00 p.m. Lakeview

224 South Papineau Lake Road
Meet ‘n’ Greet Wine & Cheese Saturday, July 13 2:00 p.m. Lakeview
Regatta Saturday, August 3 10:00 a.m. South Beach, Dog Point Road
Golf Tournament Saturday, August 17 8:30 a.m. Wolf Ridge Golf Course
Corn Roast* TBD*

[usually August 24]

TBD* TBD* We Need Someone to Help!*

*If you’re a fan of the annual End of Summer Corn Roast and want the tradition to continue, please consider taking the lead to organize it this year. Contact Fiona if you’d like to volunteer.


2024 PLCA Annual General Meeting (AGM)

Saturday, July 13, 1:00 p.m.

Mark your calendars for the 2024 AGM starting at 1:00 p.m., Saturday, July 13. Dave Mason will once again graciously host the AGM at Lakeview, 224 South Papineau Lake Road. The AGM is an opportunity for Association members to ask questions of the executive, raise concerns, and provide direct input on Association priorities. We plan to have guest speakers from our local Hastings Highlands community. We’ll fill you in on all that later.

2024 President’s Meet ‘n’ Greet Wine & Cheese Event

As they say, “business before pleasure”. Immediately after the AGM at Lakeview, rain or shine, join other PLCA members and your Board of Directors for the annual 2024 President’s Meet ‘n’ Greet Wine & Cheese. Please make some time for the AGM and then take some social time afterwards. The Wine & Cheese usually starts at 2:00pm, …or whenever the AGM ends.

2023 Annual Papineau Lake Regatta : A HUGE Success!

–submitted by Lindsey Trypuc, Regatta Chair

I daresay the 2023 Annual Regatta was one of the best in recent memory. We had a spectacular showing at the Raffle Table thanks to the hard work of Vera Gunn who led the Raffle, and Carey Mollenhauer who assisted. 

Between the Raffle and the new clothing created by Karen Pennington’s StickerUpSigns we raised over $4000! A lot of the proceeds went to cover the cost of the new clothing and ribbons and medals, but overall it helped us reach our goal of donating $500 to the Bancroft Food Bank, The Maynooth Library, and the BASC Wonders of Wetlands program.

Of course the Regatta is only made possible by the numerous volunteers and sponsors. We had over 100 items donated to the raffle by residents and businesses!

Thanks so much to our volunteers: Vera Gunn, Carey Mollenhauer, Candace Bristow, Melissa Down, Ricky Bobby, Lesia Oughtred, Mark Trypuc, JD Baetz, Colter Cranston, Mitchell Needham, Kevin Cranston, Steve & Andrea Carroll, Karin Martin, Troy Dumolin, Shannon Needham, Terri Pamenter, Cam Clements, Lesly Mason, Rebecca & Anita Daniels, Dody Ferber, Geoff Hopkins, James Fowler, Janine McClintock, Jon Daniels, Rick Kopfeistner, Tom Potter, Dave Mason, Karen Pennings, and all those that jumped in on the day of the Regatta to help me out. Your support and help is so very appreciated.

Thanks so much to our business sponsors who generously donated raffle items to our table: Foodland, The Carriage House, Trends Salon, Old Tin Shed, The Grape Vine, Foundation Stone Medicine, Memories Bakery & Tea Room, Highlands Hot Tubs, Bay Marine, IDA Bancroft, Stedman’s, Bird’s Creek Farm Supply, Maynooth General Store, Bancroft Sport & Marine, The Natural Health CentreMaple Leaf Country Store, Canadian Tire Barry’s Bay, Grumblin Granny’s, Eve’s Escape Spa, Madawaska Art ShopCO Country Market, Vito’s Pizza, Balmoral Hotel, Wolfridge Golf Course, Cafe BC, Sun Run Cafe & Bakery, Alfeskie Shoes, Gift it Gray, Bancroft Ridge Golf Course, Bancroft Village Playhouse, Home Hardware Barry’s Bay, Nomad Vintage, Maynooth IDA, Barry’s Bay Metro, Lorraine’s Pharmacy Barry’s Bay, Madawaska Kanu Centre, Bent Pizza, Kawartha Dairy, Value Mart Barry’s Bay, No Frill’s Bancroft, StickerUp Signs

Mark your calendars for the 2024 Annual Regatta on Saturday, August 3rd at 10:00 a.m. on the South Beach!

Golf Tournament 

–submitted by Mark Trypuc, Director

Don’t miss this year’s annual Papineau Lake Golf Tournament! Kindly hosted by The Homestead at Wolf Ridge, located on highway 60, just West of Killaloe. The tournament will be held on Saturday August 17th. Team outfits are encouraged!

All skill levels are welcome to join this fun lake event! We are looking to grow our participation so please come out for a fun golf day and post-golf get together with your cottage neighbours! Trophies for the winning team, men’s and ladies longest drive and closest to the pin.

Register your spot any time by emailing our Golf Tournament Coordinator Mark Trypuc at . Register early to reserve your spot, or to join another two-some or single players.

The after-golf festivity location has already been graciously volunteered. Details to follow in a separate email exclusively to golfers!

End of Summer Corn Roast : To Be, Or Not To Be?

–submitted by Fiona McPherson

After organizing the “End of Summer” corn roast for many, many years, Steve Carroll has stepped down, having run his last roast in 2023. If you’re a fan of the event and you’d like to see the tradition continue, please consider taking the lead to organize it this year. Steve is sure to share his secrets of success. Please contact Fiona if you’re interested.

Many, many thanks to Steve for running so many successful and delicious corn roasts in past years. 


Do You Think You Could be a Lake Ambassador?

  –submitted by Fiona McPherson, President/I

We are in dire need of seven more Area Representatives. These “Lake Ambassadors” are the lifeline of our association. They are PLCA members, just like you, who:

  •  Drop in on residents in their assigned areas updating them on PLCA activities
  • Answer questions about the Lake
  • Sell memberships or share details on how to e-transfer membership dues
  • Provide details of the summer’s lake events, and 
  • Communicate residents’ concerns to the PLCA executive board.


It is a great way to get out and meet some of your neighbours on the lake. Specifically, we need Lake Ambassadors around most of north end and all along the east side of Papineau Lake Road right down past the mountain to Weber Lane and Dog Point Road. 

If you are interested in volunteering some of your time to help in this regard, please contact Susan Wadman.

It’s Spring! Time for Renewals!

–submitted by Susan Wadman, Membership Director

Happy Spring to all the lovely folks that cherish life on Papineau Lake. My name is Susan Wadman and I am the person in charge of the Papineau Lake Community Association Membership. Membership is open to all property owners on the Lake and their families. Being a member of PLCA supports lake betterment lake initiatives such as safety buoys, public beach outhouses, fire equipment, and legal issues. My goal is to get as many property owners and families involved with our Association. 

How can you get involved???

As you read in this newsletter, you’ll see that we have openings on the PLCA board, we have a need for more lake area Reps, and we always need volunteers to contribute to the success of the Annual Papineau Lake Regatta.

We would love to hear ideas from all of you to help us rebuild a positive lake community that celebrates life on the Lake. 

How to become a member???

The Annual dues for membership are $25 per property owner. 

You can:

Papineau Lake Community Association

c/o Jonathan Potter, 80 Avenue Rd, 

Ottawa, Ontario K1S 0N9

Other than lake betterment initiatives the PLCA also donates funds to area programs that are of benefit and of interest to our Lake Community such as our local hospitals (Barrys Bay, Bancroft) the Maynooth & Area Food Bank, the Hastings Highlands Public Library, and the Wonders of Wetlands school program. 

Please do not hesitate to contact a board member if you have questions, ideas, or a desire to help out in any way.

LAKE STEWARD REPORT : Chloride Levels and More Testing

–submitted by Jeff Potter, Lake Steward

Hi Everyone, 

At last year’s AGM, the issue of the chloride levels in Papineau Lake was raised.  One member of the association was concerned that the chloride levels had increased by “more than 30%” and wondered what actions, if any, were being taken to address this issue. Several members expressed concern that perhaps the chloride levels were related to road salt being applied to Papineau Lake Road making its way into the lake.

Here is some context related to the chloride levels.  Following are the chloride testing results that the member was referring to in mg/L, all taken in the main basin of Papineau Lake: “the deep spot.”

July 09, 2015: 6.0 

July 31, 2017: 7.1 

July 11, 2021: 8.1 

July 13, 2022: 8.3

Indeed, the change from 6 to 8.3 does represent a 30% increase (38% in fact) between 2015 and 2022.

Here are some comparable test results from neighbouring lakes for context:

(Bark Lake, Yuill Lake and Hicks Lake do not appear to have been tested).

Lake Dates # of Tests # of Locations Results in mg/L
Kamaniskeg June 2015-June 2022 19 3 2.7 – 8.7
Baptiste June 2015-June 2022 13 2 1.1 – 2.2
Round June 2015-May 2022 15 2 1.9 – 8.6
Clear May 2015-June 2022 35 4 11.8 – 14.9


In Summary

The average chloride level from the 8,696 samples tested is 9.45, the median is 5.2. Canadian drinking water standards require that chloride levels be below 250 mg/L, while the level considered safe for aquatic life is below 100-120 mg/L. The link below has a chart showing the vulnerability of different species to chloride.

At first, a 38% increase sounds alarming. However, when taken in the context of surrounding lakes, and recommended guidelines, a reading of 8.3 mg/L is not cause for alarm.  

More testing on Papineau would provide a better baseline and more data for trend analysis.  As is evident from the summary of our neighbouring lakes above, there has been much less testing of Papineau Lake in recent years: only 4 tests in one location over 8-9 years, all taken in July. Other lakes have testing in the spring and fall as well.

When I contacted the Ontario Ministry, they agreed to support more testing in the South and North parts of Papineau, and not just the centre. In addition, they have also agreed to test Hicks Lake and Yuill lake. The thinking is that these two lakes would make good comparable lakes to Papineau Lake, as neither have roads or cottages on or adjacent to their shores. Starting this year, I will submit additional samples from Papineau North and South, as well as Yuill and Hicks Lakes.

 Further reading:

The Ontario Lake Partner program with all the testing results, not just chloride:

The Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME)’s 2011 comprehensive scientific study specific to chloride:

My Lake Steward’s Report:


Buoy Oh Buoy! Where Did Those Come From?!

–submitted by Fiona McPherson, President/I

Hey, boaters! Have you ever wondered how those big orange safety buoys got put right where they need to be? Or, maybe you’ve wondered who puts them out? 

They magically appear, it seems, every spring. And then they get taken out before the lake freezes. 

Well! It’s not magic. It’s not the municipality. And, it’s not the ministry, either. It’s some of your very own neighbours on Papineau Lake. Several years ago, these community-minded folks stepped forward to become safety marker sponsors to provide some protection for people who are less familiar with hazards like sudden shallow, large rocks, shoals, and just below the surface. In 2015, with Ian Salgo’s support, the PLCA funded the purchase of new buoys, anchors, and cables to help the endeavour.

Many thanks to these folks who are taking the time to identify hazardous obstructions on our lake:

  • Davide Pilote
  • Bill & Wes Bateman
  • Todd Babin
  • Paul Harris
  • Kevin McClintock

Next time you see any of them, thank them on behalf of all the boaters who still have propellers in good condition! Thanks, guys!!

Summer “Fun”-draisers for St. Francis Valley Healthcare Foundation

—submitted by Christine Hudder, SFVHF

The St. Francis Valley Healthcare Foundation raises funds to fill the gap not met by government for hospital equipment and services at the St. Francis Memorial Hospital, Madawaska Valley Hospice, and Valley Manor Nursing Home.

Join us at one of our signature events this summer and help us fill the gap!

Rockathon: Friday, June 21, 2024, 10:00 am-4:00 pm at the Valley Manor. Collect pledges and rock solo or as part of a team to raise funds for healthcare needs, like medical equipment at the Valley Manor long term care home.

Memorial Butterfly Release: Sunday, July 28 at 1:00 pm in Barry’s Bay. Release a live butterfly in memory of a loved one. Proceeds to hospice palliative care services in the community.

Friends of St. Francis Charity Golf Tournament: Friday, August 30 at 11:00 am at the Homestead at Wolf Ridge Golf Course in Killaloe. Enjoy 18 holes of golf and a delicious dinner while supporting your local hospital.


Register for the annual KAPOA Poker Run, taking place on Saturday, July 27. Enter your boat into this fun event, which takes you to different docks around Kamaniskeg Lake!

There are a number of other third-party events happening around town. Stay tuned for more upcoming news and events by following us on  Facebook and Instagram or go to  

NEW for 2024: LAKE BITES

–submitted by Executive* Chef JD Baetz

*PLCA Executive, that is.


Nothing beats the smell of sizzling meat and the sound of popping cans at the lake. If you’re looking for some new ways to spice up your grill game, check out these mouth-watering recipes that will make your summer unforgettable.




  1. Mix all ingredients together and store in a jar until ready to use.
  2. Rub on chicken, beef, or pork before barbecuing.
  • 1 Whole chicken
  • 4 tbsp Sweet BBQ rub
  • 1 Pineapple

Pineapple Salsa

  • 1 cup Chopped leftover pineapple
  • 1 Red bell pepper
  • 1 Jalapeno
  • 1/2 Red onion
  • 1/2 cup Cilantro
  • 1/2 tbsp Salt
  • 2 Limes
  • Huli Huli Sauce
  • 1/4 cup Soy sauce
  • 1/3 cup Ketchup
  • 1/2 cup Light brown sugar
  • 1/2 cup Pineapple juice
  • 2 tbsp Mirin
  • 1 tbsp Chili paste
  • 1 tbsp Freshly grated ginger
  • 1 tbsp Fresh grated garlic


  1. With the pineapple, chop off the leafy top. Next, slice around the bottom of the pineapple to mark the base. Finally, peel off the rind and cut off the top portion of the fruit just leaving the core in the middle. Set aside the cut off pineapple for a homemade salsa.
  2. Season the whole chicken with sweet bbq rub and set it on the pineapple core.  
  3. Preheat the grill to 375°F and set for indirect heat.  Place the chicken onto the grill and cook from about 1 hour or until the internal temperature of the chicken reaches 165°F. 
  4. For the homemade salsa, dice up the leftover pineapple, red bell pepper, jalapeno, red onion and cilantro.  Add salt and freshly squeezed lime juice.  Mix the ingredients together and set aside.
  5. To make the Huli Huli sauce, in a saucepan, add soy sauce, ketchup, pineapple juice, mirin, grated ginger, grated garlic, light brown sugar and chili paste.  Mix the ingredients together over a low simmer and cook until the sauce thickens.




  • 1 orange
  • Ice
  • 1oz Mount Gay Black Barrel Rum
  • ½ oz honey

Place 2 slices of orange in a rocks glass; muddle. Fill with ice and then add 1 fl oz Mount Gay Black Barrel Rum and 1/2 fl oz honey. Top with ginger beer.



The Angry Canadian is a variant of the Old Fashioned, where sugar is replaced with pure maple syrup, and mixed with Canadian rye whiskey.



  • 2 ounces Canadian rye whiskey
  • 1 teaspoon pure maple syrup
  • 2 ice cubes
  • 2 dashes Angostura Bitters
  • 1 maraschino cherry


Measure one teaspoon of pure maple syrup into a whiskey glass. Add two dashes of Angostura Bitters, one maraschino cherry, two ice cubes, and two ounces of Canadian Rye Whiskey. Swirl, and serve.


Papineau Lake Land Acknowledgment

We acknowledge that we are gathered on the traditional territory of the Algonquin Anishinaabeg, which is known by Indigenous peoples as unceded territory.  We acknowledge that the Indigenous peoples have been stewards of this land since time immemorial and as such we treat the lands, its plants, animals, stories, and people with honour and respect.  Today this land is home to many Indigenous peoples from across Turtle Island, and we, as residents, cottagers and visitors to Papineau Lake acknowledge the shared opportunity to live, work, relax and play within this beautiful territory.  

As settlers, this recognition of the contributions and historic importance of the Indigenous peoples must also be clearly and overtly connected to our commitment to make the promise and challenge of the Truth and Reconciliation real in our communities. 

Our Mission Statement

The Papineau Lake Community Association (PLCA) is a not-for-profit organization.  

The PLCA is dedicated to:

  • Promoting responsible environmental Stewardship
  • Encouraging an active social atmosphere
  • Monitoring & communicating changes which affect our lake community
  • Providing and maintaining infrastructure to protect the physical and environmental integrity of Papineau Lake

Our website is

2023-2024 PLCA Executive

President/Interim: Fiona McPherson 

Vice President: Katie Potter

Membership: Susan Wadman 

Treasurer: Jonathan Potter 

Director: Mark Trypuc

Director: JD Baetz

Lake Steward: Jeff Potter

Regatta Chairperson: Lindsey Trypuc

Secretary: Vacant Position

Non-Executive Positions

Fundraising: Vacant Position 

Water Testing: Jeff Potter, Bill Bateman, Peter Shoemaker

Area Reps, aka “Lake Ambassadors”: Mary Mueller, Neil Crowder, Harold Harris, Tom Potter, Andrea & Steve Carroll, Paul Hart, + several vacant positions

Safety Buoys: Todd Babin, Wes Bateman, Paul Harris, Davide Pilote 

*End of Spring 2024 Newsletter

Papineau Lake newsletter Spring 2021